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Powerwise PD620M 3 Phase Distro


The Powerwise PD620M 3RC is similar to the PD620 3RC with 6 circuits of 4.8KVA, master isolator switch, input power status panel and RCD protection per phase. It also features with a Digital Power Management meter.

It facilitates compliance with the mandatory Residual Current Device (RCD) protection requirement of AS/NZS4249 and is ideal protection for source power supplies sourced from non-RCD protected switchboards or generators.

It also features the addition of RCD protection per phase.

Powerwise general features:

Twelve 240V outputs distributed across the 3-Phase supply
Circuit breaker protection per output circuit
One or three individual phase RCDs (model dependant)
Master supply isolator
Comprehensive power management meters
Phase Power indicator LEDs
Neutral/Earth Fault indicator
Pre-wired and ready to use
Heavy duty flexible 3-phase supply cable.

Additional Information

Weight 12.0 kg